Patent Translation Risks

Patent Translation Risks: What & How to Avoid?

The literal meaning of the word Patent translation means to translate anything related to a Patent into another desired/relevant language. However, on legal aspects, Patent Translation works to translate a patent written in the current language into another. This proves to be a daunting task as the meaning of the contents should not change. Therefore,[…]

How Important is Computer-Assisted Translation?

How Important is Computer-Assisted Translation?

Computer-assisted translation or machine-assisted/aided translation refers to a software-based automatic translation utility which helps the translators in their translation work. This basically functions by translating text and storing it along with the source text into a database. This helps in further patent translation work by using that database for any queries in the future. This[…]

Importance of Understanding Technical Translation

Importance of Understanding Technical Translation

Technical Translation refers to the Translation of Technical documents from one language to another language. Here, Technical document means any specialized subject document that needs proper knowledge and definition to the related terminology. For example, subjects related to electronics, medical sciences, engineering, laws, etc. However, Technical Translation for the Patents is the most commonly used[…]

A Certified Translation

A Certified Translation: What, When, & How To Perform?

It’s easy to get confused among a certified translator and a certified translation. There are significant differences between the two. In this article, we will find out what do we mean by a certified translation. Also, we will clear some common misconceptions about it. Also, one must translate only the relevant portion of the patent.[…]

Accuracy In Patent Translation

Accuracy In Patent Translation: Key To Better Patenting

Language is the key constraint when it comes to patent translation. Every word has multiple antonyms and synonyms which vary from language to language. Such as the word ‘Sentence’ refers to a grammatical meaning in English but in Chinese it means execution. Let’s learn the importance of accuracy in patent translation and why it is[…]

Scientific and Technical Translation

Scientific And Technical Translation: Why So Complex?

Scientific and technical translation is not like a simple linguistic translation. It associates with itself in-depth knowledge of technical terms. These translations are very much important at any point in time. You might require a translated text of your patent application at the time of drafting the application. Therefore, it is very much prudent to[…]