patent translations

Patent Translations: What, How and Why?

The task of translating patent documents into another language is known as patent translation. In today’s world, patent translation kinds are extremely crucial when filing an official patent in a foreign country. Legal professionals and potential patent licensees in a foreign country are most likely to read these. Only relevant elements of the patent are[…]

Technical translation

Technical Translation: A Brief Insight

The translation of technical documents from one language to another is known as technical translation. Any specialist subject paper that requires sufficient understanding and description of the relevant terminology is referred to as a technical document. Electronics, medical sciences, engineering, legislation, and other relevant areas, for example.The most widely used translation service, however, is technical[…]

patent translation services

Patent Translation Services: The Reason to Consider

The global economy booming will make you consider extending your company internationally as well. Innovation is critical when competing in the global market, as all major corporations are aware. That’s why patent protection is so crucial: it prevents product idea theft and offers your business a competitive advantage. In this post, we’ll look at the[…]

Smart Ways to Cut Cost on Patent Translation

Smart Ways to Cut Costs on Patent Translation

A slothful economic repossession and sustained budget forces the IP departments to find new cost-cutting ways for patent translation. Translations are difficult and therefore, cost a lot. On average they account for up to 50% cost of national stage entry. Thus, cost-cutting could really make a difference in our pockets for such a money-oriented task.[…]

How Important is Computer-Assisted Translation?

How Important is Computer-Assisted Translation?

Computer-assisted translation or machine-assisted/aided translation refers to a software-based automatic translation utility which helps the translators in their translation work. This basically functions by translating text and storing it along with the source text into a database. This helps in further patent translation work by using that database for any queries in the future. This[…]

Human Translation or Machine Translation: Best Option For Patent Application

Human Translation or Machine Translation? Which Option is Better?

The general conception (or misconception) among the patent applicants is that the machine translation is better than human translation. Patent translation is the basic instrument for understanding patents, applications and other relevant prior art in different languages from different regions. You need to be certain about the translation when you are researching and distinguishing your[…]

Fundamentals of Translation Memory

As the term describes, translation memory can be thought of as, ‘Memory or data saved from previous translations’. Translation memory functions as a set of a database that stores previously translated segments with their source segments, in the form of translation units, to make future translations much easier and faster. It is one utility of[…]

WIPO Develops a Machine Translation Tool! But, Manual Patent Translation is always Better Decision.

Patents are technical and scientific documents and thus are complex in nature. A single error can change the whole meaning of your idea hence it is important for patent search professionals to maintain the accuracy of these documents. All we can say is that patents are complex in nature and translating them is even more[…]