patent translations

Patent Translations: What, How and Why?

The task of translating patent documents into another language is known as patent translation. In today’s world, patent translation kinds are extremely crucial when filing an official patent in a foreign country. Legal professionals and potential patent licensees in a foreign country are most likely to read these. Only relevant elements of the patent are[…]

Technical translation

Technical Translation: A Brief Insight

The translation of technical documents from one language to another is known as technical translation. Any specialist subject paper that requires sufficient understanding and description of the relevant terminology is referred to as a technical document. Electronics, medical sciences, engineering, legislation, and other relevant areas, for example.The most widely used translation service, however, is technical[…]

Patent Translation and Filing Cost

Patent Translation and Filing Cost: How To Manage?

Both patent translation and patent filing are the two major processes required in attaining a patent for an invention. However, both of the processes are complicated, time-consuming and expensive. According to a survey, translation covers 50% of the national stage entry cost, that’s why efficient-cost cutting strategies make a huge difference in the bottom line of a[…]

Patent Translations Types: A Complete Guide

Patent translation is the task of converting patent documentation into another language. Patent translations types are very important in today’s world while filing an official patent in foreign countries. These are most likely to be read by legal professionals and potential patent licensee in a foreign country. One translates only relevant portions of the patent[…]

Patent Translation Risks

Patent Translation Risks: What & How to Avoid?

The literal meaning of the word Patent translation means to translate anything related to a Patent into another desired/relevant language. However, on legal aspects, Patent Translation works to translate a patent written in the current language into another. This proves to be a daunting task as the meaning of the contents should not change. Therefore,[…]