patent translations

Patent Translations: What, How and Why?

The task of translating patent documents into another language is known as patent translation. In today’s world, patent translation kinds are extremely crucial when filing an official patent in a foreign country. Legal professionals and potential patent licensees in a foreign country are most likely to read these. Only relevant elements of the patent are[…]

Technical translation

Technical Translation: A Brief Insight

The translation of technical documents from one language to another is known as technical translation. Any specialist subject paper that requires sufficient understanding and description of the relevant terminology is referred to as a technical document. Electronics, medical sciences, engineering, legislation, and other relevant areas, for example.The most widely used translation service, however, is technical[…]

Back Translation and Reconciliation

Back Translation and Reconciliation- What, How and Why

The primary motto of back translation and reconciliation is to check the correctness of an article. Here, we will discuss in detail what they are and how they affect an article. Also, we will find out why are they necessary. Moreover, these services provide you additional quality and surety of accuracy for most sensitive translations. They[…]

Precise Patent Translation – Key Points

Precise Patent Translation – Key Points

Patent translation refers to the conversion of patent documentation into another language. It may include a set of claims, description, drawings, and legal documents. Translations are very crucial in today’s world while filing a patent in a different country. The patents are examined by legal professionals and potential licensee in a foreign country. Also, one must[…]

How Important is Computer-Assisted Translation?

How Important is Computer-Assisted Translation?

Computer-assisted translation or machine-assisted/aided translation refers to a software-based automatic translation utility which helps the translators in their translation work. This basically functions by translating text and storing it along with the source text into a database. This helps in further patent translation work by using that database for any queries in the future. This[…]

Fundamentals of Translation Memory

As the term describes, translation memory can be thought of as, ‘Memory or data saved from previous translations’. Translation memory functions as a set of a database that stores previously translated segments with their source segments, in the form of translation units, to make future translations much easier and faster. It is one utility of[…]