Patent Translations Express (PTE) is the leading and most trusted partner for accurate patent translation services.
Our Patent Translation Services are specially designed to support patent agents and patent attorneys at law firms or corporations. We offer patent translation in French, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Dutch, German among other.

Having translated numerous documents over the years for simple to most critical cases, we understand the importance of translation accuracy and subject matter expertise in each assignment. Accordingly, we engage only experienced language and subject matter experts, who have been translating patents and other associated documents in various technical domains for years.
Why PTE?
✓ Lowest Prices OR We Match ✓ Exclusive Patent Translators ✓ Best Quality OR Do Not Pay
PTE Pricing

Please note following points:
- For remaining language pairs, we can do translations via English language.
- Pricing where we have mentioned “Starts at” – it means that actual pricing may be higher; it will depend upon the complexity level of texts / or, on technical domain.
Download Free Samples Here: Chinese to English, English to Chinese, Japanese to English, English to Japanese, Korean to English, English to Korean, English to German, French to English, English to French, Spanish to English, English to Spanish, Italian to English, English to Italian, English to Russian, Dutch to English, English to Dutch, Porthugese to English, English to Porthugese, English to Swedish, Turkish to English, English to Turkish, English to Arabic, Vietnamese to English
Just submit information below and we will revert with exact quote in matter of hours.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Getting Started
What do I need to order a translation package ?
Are translations copyrighted?
No, copyright law does protect a translation.
In order to do so, the translation must differ from the original work to a specific creative level.
It must surpass the Threshold of originality.
What is intellectual property translation?
IP translation is the process that translates legal and technical documents needed to acquire intellectual property rights.
They are similar to other property rights.
Allowing the owner to seek profit from the invention or product.
What is a patent translation?
The process of translating patent documentation into another language.
Patent documentation includes patent specifications, lawyers correspondence, office actions e.t.c.
These are all needed during the patent application and filing.
What is EP validation?
It is a process of creating a national patent from a single granted European Patent Application.
It includes either one or more among 44 European Patent Organisation members or validation states.
What is an EP patent application?
The patent applications with an EP code are published by the European Patent Office.
Also, the patent applications with a code DE are published by the corresponding national office.
When must a PCT application be filed?
When the Patent applicants wish to protect their invention in more than one country.
How much does PCT filing cost?
It ranges from $3,000 to $4,500 depending on the size of the unit applying for patent protection.
Moreover, fee structure includes a transmittal fee (upto $240), search fee (approx $2,000), and international fee (around $1,100).
Creating My Account
How do I register at PTE ?
You will be asked to share your details (your full name, business email, phone number, etc.) before making the first purchase. You also have the option of directly registering at “My Account” page where you need to submit your business email. Once you click on that Register button, you will receive your account details on registered email. Further, you can edit your password and account details.
About Our Services
What payment methods do you accept?
We prefer to accept payments via Pay Pal. However, if you are not comfortable with it, we can also accept wire transfers.
Can I change or cancel my order?
Changes or cancellations to an already placed order can be done in two ways:
- By sending an email to the account manager assigned to you for this delivery (the details will be in your order confirmation email).
- By calling our customer services helpline at +1 (214) 269 0626.
While we will make every attempt to change your order, additional charges may apply if work on the request has begun or if the scope changes significantly. Therefore, please make changes as soon as you can.
What about iterations/corrections?
Any corrections needed due to our error will be done at no charge. Small revisions will be done at no charge. Changes to the scope of the project and additional translations will be charged at our normal rate.
How does Patent Translations Express (PTE) ensure translation quality?
We know Patent translation is all about quality and thus Patent Translations Express have put in place various mechanism to ensure clients get only quality work. The process of quality checks start right at the time of recruitment wherein we employ only those patent translators/editors who hold technical degrees such as PhD or other relevant higher degrees with an understanding of patent literature. The translators we work with have been selected based on their technical expertise, meticulous translation ability and outstanding client servicing capability.
Apart from this we have a long experience of translating patent related documents into and from 40+ different languages. No matter whether it is a patent application, a prior art, an office action document and/or patent litigation document, our team is equipped enough to deliver the desired result.
How long does a translation take to complete?
The rate at which translation is done depend on various associated factors like context, complexity and layout of the text; still on an average a translator completes 1500-3000 words per day.
In what format, files should be given for translation?
We prefer documents those are provided in electronic format like MS Word because it can reduce cost and delivery time both.
Can you guarantee my project will be kept confidential?
Yes, we take the full responsibility of confidentiality of your documents and thus we sign NDA with all our esteemed clients before taking up any such project. You can rest in peace that any information provided to us will never be disclosed to any third party, under any circumstances.
Apart from this all our translators and editors are bonded with Confidentiality Agreement that prevents them from disclosing any such confidential agreement to people other than those specified.
Can you provide any further insight into the use of manual translators versus CAT tools?
Regarding CAT tools vs manual translators, please note our observations below:
- When it comes to technical manuals, which are likely to have a number of terms repeated throughout, CAT tools may be very useful. However, when it comes to translating patents, where variation of meaning behind each word and sentence may be different in different patents, this technology is unsuitable and ineffective.
- Also, especially when quality of translation is to be done keeping specific jurisdictional laws in mind, CAT tools may not be as useful.
Hence, we believe to use CAT effectively, one must know both languages really well. Else, one will not be able to detect the shortcomings of the software and, won’t be able to produce unambiguous high-quality translations.
Delivering Your Report
What languages you covered ?
The translation can be delivered in any of the below mentioned Languages:
- English
- Chinese
- Korean
- Russian
- Vietnamese
- Japanese
- German
- French
- Spanish
- Italian
- Dutch
- Swedish
- Finnish
- Hebrew
- Danish
- Portuguese
- Polish
- Czech
- Bulgarian
- Hungarian
- Norwegian
- Urdu
- Arabic
However, if you have some specific requirement or preferences, it will be delivered in that languages only.
I am still confused – What do I do?
No Problem! We are here to help you – e-mail us to discuss your requirements.